Sending a short note of encouragement to a Hewalenamo student means more than you can imagine. It let our girls know that someone cares and also offers inspiration and hope when the days are hard. Your letter also has the power to serve as a connection to a larger world.

Here are the guideline -

  • Write a short note of encouragement on a flat 8.5 x 11 inch or smaller piece of paper. Feel free to decorate the letter with drawings, stickers, etc. Sign with your first name only.

  • Submit your letter by the last day of each month by either:

    • scanning the letters and emailing a pdf file to

    • mailing your letter to our Dallas headquarters (contact us for the address)

  • We will deliver your letter to a student in Ghana and update you after it’s been delivered.

Sample Note:

Dear Friend,

I hope you are doing well in school and studying hard. I’ve recently learned a little about Ghana and how education is very important there. I want you to keep up the hard work and study hard. Never be afraid to ask for help if you do not understand something. Be bold, be strong and keep up the great work. I’m hoping you have a great school year and that you learn a lot!

I believe in you, LaKena

Last updated

Contact the Executive Director via email or 910-224-8615.