Breaking generational poverty starts with our children.

Our volunteers who travel to serve in Ghana are called “Team Hewalenamo.” Two or more teams travel to Ghana every year. They work side by side with the local community building, hosting classes, exchanging ideas and promoting the spiritual life of children and adults. Each team is unique in how they serve at Hewalenamo and picks a legacy project to support. Team Hewalenamo plays a vital role in accomplishing our goals and mission. At the same time, serving on Team Hewalenamo opens up the opportunity for individuals to put their passion into action and share their gifts with the Hewalenamo community.

Who Can Serve

Everyone is welcome to serve on Team Hewalenamo. Individuals, youth groups, women’s groups, church groups, and families can all serve on short term missions at Hewalenamo Girls Inc. Lengths of service can be arranged from one week to three months. If you are interested in serving please make application early as teams fill up quickly and space is limited.

Last updated 12/18/2019

Interested? Contact the Executive Director via email or 910-224-8615.