Group Project: Classroom Banners

Work Location
This group project can be done anywhere in the United States!

Purpose of the Project
Create an inspiring and/or support banner to hang in a Ghanaian classrooms. The goal is to provide something bright, hopeful, and cheery for the students in the class.

The Basics
Groups will create a 5 foot x 3 foot (approximately, slightly smaller is fine — but no larger) fabric banner that can be hung via grommets. We suggest using fabric markers or fabric paint to decorate your banners.

  • Choose light but sturdy fabric. The banners must be rolled up or folded in a suitcase so cannot be overly large or heavy. On the other hand, we want your banner to last for several years so a strong fabric is good.

  • Share something inspiring or supportive as a message — quotes about the power of education are a great idea! Alternatively, consider simple messages such as “You are smart. You can do this. You will succeed.” Our students work in English in school.

  • Consider adding decoration — you could add pictures or patterns or whatever looks good.

  • Do NOT include: references to religion or politics, glitter (seriously!), or specific identifying information about yourself. (It is fine to say “Humphries Middle School 6th Grade Class” but avoid “LaKena Dunham, Dallas, Texas”.)

  • We ask that you add plastic or metal grommets to the top (4 please) to allow us to hang the banner. If you contact us, we can walk you through that.

  • Banners will be mailed to Hewalenamo’s US office and carried over on our next trip to Ghana — we’ll send you a photo of your banner in its pride of place at a school!

Ideal For…
U.S.-based classroom projects, scouts or other youth groups, family groups, etc.

Commitment Expected
This is a one-time commitment of 1 to 4 hours…depending on how creative you get!

Last updated

Contact the Executive Director via email or 910-224-8615.